How to Deal with Roof Leaks

and Why Maintenance is Important


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If you have a leaky roof, you have a problem, and it may be a big one. Few people realize how pervasive and devastating roof leaks can be, not to mention how far the damage may extend beyond the inconvenience caused by the leak.

Start with structural issues. A leaky roof can give water and dirt a point of entry into the walls of your home, and that point of entry may also offer a path into the foundation. Both problems are debilitating and expensive to fix, so that’s the most obvious reason to fix a leaky roof.

But a leaky roof can affect your health, too. Wherever the water buildup is from a leaky roof, you can be sure that mold is sure to follow. Mold is smelly and toxic, and it can compromise the quality of the air you breath as well.


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This starts with keeping your roof and gutters clean. Seasonal debris may seem like a small issue, but it will quickly turn into a larger one if it’s allowed to accumulate.

Some cleaning and maintenance procedures are easy for homeowners to perform. Keeping the yard area around the home clean is one way to keep debris from being swept up onto the roof during a windy storm, for instance, and if your house is small with a minimal amount of gutters, it may be fairly easy to safely clean them yourself.

Other projects, though, are best handled by a roofing company. Snow and ice, for instance can form damaging dams if they’re allowed to pile up, and this can cause issues with shingles and sections of the roof that can become big problems down the line. Wind damage is another problem that obviously demands a professional approach, so keep that in mind as you assess the condition of your roof.

Roofing companies are experts at doing this kind of work, and they’re usually even better at evaluating the damage. This evaluation is often critical, for a good roofing company can almost always tell you if you need a roof retrofit or reroofing, or if you need an entirely new roof.

It’s important to know what the tradeoffs are. If you decide to repair your roof, understand that the repairable conditions will likely continue to deteriorate over time, and there may be more existing damage that wasn’t visible during an inspection.

Retrofitting a roof is usually a better way to go in this situation, and it helps homeowners avoid the expense of a completely new roof. Basically it involves putting a new shingle overlay on top of the old one to correct whatever issues are present, and this is obviously an issue that should be handled by a qualified roofing company. The extent of the job depends a lot on the age of the roof, the condition of the materials, the type of house and the pitch of the roof.

The benefits of doing this extend beyond just fixing the problem. Retrofitting may save or increase the value of the home, especially if the problem is serious.


The final issue to consider here is whether reproofing or a retrofit is covered by your home insurance or the company that installed the previous roof. A professional roof company can help you deal with the process of a filing a claim, which can be cumbersome, tedious and costly if you try to do it yourself. You don’t know what you don’t know, and the expertise provided by a roofing company may save you considerable money as you go through this process.

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7946 NW 66th Street, Miami, FL 33166, U.S.A.

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